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How to stay motivated as you head back to the books

Ben Brockbank
28th July 2021

Hate it or love it, the time has come to start thinking about returning to the books. Hopefully the summer sun has recharged your batteries and given you a new wave of motivation. The main objective now is to ride this wave and work on prolonging its effects.
One variable that has a significant impact on your motivation and creativity is your work surroundings and environment. To maximize productivity, finding locations that motivate you, inspire you and serve all your needs is crucial. Writing your essays, prepping for exams from your student apartment: it’s not something that suits everyone, due to the many distractions in the form of your roommates, or potentially even your bed… Let’s not even discuss your work set-up – that old desk chair could really use an upgrade…
Stockholm and Helsinki have a long list of incredible libraries that have been study hubs for decades. Access to like-minded people, hundreds of books right at your fingertips… However, libraries come with its own set of limitations, such as limited opportunity for group work due to its silent policies, a sense of “uninspiredness” – the list goes on.
If you are ready to spice up your working conditions and kickstart your productivity – we have an alternative for you! At Opus, we suggest you to consider a popular trend stemming from the big cities: have you ever considered hotels and cafes for your studies, let alone coworking offices? In London, whichever hotel you go – you can see many students diligently working in lobbies with their peers. You would be surprise how stimulating an environment like a hotel lobby, a café or a coworking space can be – many of Opus’ locations provide different areas, suited to different needs. The options range from closed door offices, to spaces with their own podcast recording studios.
What many people tend to forget, is that your studies is a time to build your network. Coworking offices, for example, are a hub for likeminded, motivated people – an excellent place to start building that network that might lead to your next internship or professional opportunity! We all want to feel part of a community, especially after last year, whether we are freelancers, remote workers or corporate professionals. At Opus, providing a likeminded community to anyone is one of our core aspects.
Therefore, instead of looking on TripAdvisor for study-friendly locations, start your Opus free trial and go visit our locations. Embrace the change of scenery, connect with your peers, expand your network – all whilst enjoying free coffee, tea, water and wifi. Explore our many locations – and sustain that motivation wave!
And as a special offer for all those heading back to school, you can get a free month of coworking so you can keep yourself motivated and inspired.
Simply use the code StudentxOpus when at the payment page for your free month!
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